
Being an Institution under the direct control and supervision of the Hon'ble High Court, the Academy is covered by all the relevant Notifications issued by the High Court. As per Letter issued vide Memo No: 1984-R (V & P) dated 27th April, 2018 from Registrar (Vigilance & Protocol), High Court, Appellate Side, Calcutta the Hon’ble High Court, Calcutta has been pleased to direct that the Administrative Officer (A.O.) of West Bengal Judicial Academy (WBJA) be designated as the Public Information Officer (P.I.O.) for WBJA, under R.T.I. Act, 2005 and the Additional Director, WBJA be designated as the Appellate Authority, under the said Act, to hear any appeal, referred under Section 19, against an order made by the Public Information Officer.

Source: Official Website of WBJA, Last Updated on 12-03-2025

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